Alpine Wonders: hiking holidays in Italy

The exploration of the Orsiera Rocciavrè Natural Park never seems to end. This time with a solitary trek, from Susa Valley, above Villarfocchiardo to Colle del Vento , via Rifugio Pian Amprimo and the Pian dell’Orso. Solitude is not the correct adjective as far as , bears aside, I was in good company of birds , hares , marmots and 5 ibex placid .

The Alps, after all these years of hiking still incredibly wonder me . Wonder is the feeling with which I stay with most of the time that I decided to ” have  a walk ” . Well, on this trip in late May Wonder was my faithful friend and companion.

I started my trip to the mountains early in the morning, I choose the destination while traveling in the car. Having this May brought rain and hail in the afternoons, the goal cannot be too far away and is been chosen according to where the clouds seem more reluctant to stop. Therefore Orsiera Park Rocciavrè once again. On the other hand , with snow still in the process of dissolution, this park a short walk from Turin is a small paradise with its lakes , rivers and enchanted woods , and yet with many ravines and valleys to explore .

The road that climbs from Villarfocchiardo Charterhouse Montebenedetto is steep and rapid. I decide to stop at the pasture of Alpe di Fumavecchia at 1400m above sea level. In addition to the funny goats keeps me company an intense shouting bird. And here begins to mountain Wonder : 50Km may be enough to get to a place so amazing ? Where instead of motors and electronic noises are just a rustle of leaves and squeak robin? Yes In Turin it takes so little to get to the places of violent beauty. And I, greedy, rejoice!

I’ve been following the frequent hallmarks of the path of the Franks which is captured by vegetation. The path along the hillside takes me about 40 minutes to the shelter Amprimo , Val Gravio . From here turning left and through the long valley that greeted the woods becomes more barren and pending. In the top of it I reached the scenic Red Lake, at 1900 m height with Cristalliera Rocciavrè and magnanimous members who greet the hiker fascinated by beauty. At least , that’s how I feel.

After some photos, marmots and a bit of sun, I take a good pace towards the hill. Shortly before reaching the stone falls a few feet from me. The guilty of this I find a few seconds later,:5 magnificent mountain goats that are laying among the rocks. Divine.
Reached the hill climb the mountain Muretto ( 2277m ) and then fly down  to the crest of the Pian dell’Orso . Conscious that my daily hike was blessed with good fortune, I really feel lucky and happyand dreamy . Walk on a lawn with violets before completing my ring and go back to my car What a wonder of the earth : how wonderful are our Alps.

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