Exploring the Italian Alps: Self-Guided Hikes vs. Guided Hikes The Italian Alps, with their stunning landscapes, alpine lakes, and rugged peaks, offer some of the most breathtaking hiking experiences in the world. Whether you’re looking for a peaceful escape into nature or an adventure filled with stunning vistas, choosing between a self-guided and a guided hike is an important decision. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and challenges of … Read more…
This is a collection of the post related to trekking in Italy in the Monte Rosa and Matterhorn region, in the Northwest of the Italian Alps. If you want a more detailed description of the package hikes and trekking tours offered by Trekking Alps checks the Matterhorn Page. All the features and many different hikes are there described. Also for tailor made hikes just fill the form here.
Hiking in Aosta Valley is a dream for all hikers. Not only there are big mountains covered with snow even in deep summer. Not only the biodiversity here is great and the hikes pretty wild and not so crowded. Not only it is home to Mont Blanc, Monte Rosa, Gran Paradiso, and Matterhorn. Aosta Valley stands in Italy: which means great food, amazing wine, and a warm welcome. I personally … Read more…
Most people associate Alps to the Swiss Alps. Or maybe French. Or what about a Ski winter in Austria…. Italian Alps are less famous and ridiculously underrated. And even though I am completely biased by being born in Italy, and in clear conflict of interests, as I run a Trekking business in Italy, I will try to argue why you should choose the Italian Alps over any other country. I … Read more…
It was several years of not abundant snow in the Alps. Last years in the dolomites alsmost no snow have been falling and 2 years ago till the 1st of January the mountains of the Alps where snowless. This year finally it changed! In December an incredible amount of snow have been falling and still is continuing. The precipitations are crucial for the health of the land. Snow means storage … Read more…
The group was the best of this trip. Even though the difference in age, we create a fantastic group laughing and enjoying every single moment. We did respect the time of every single person and enjoy the wonder of the west alps at its best. Monte Rosa present one of the biggest glaciers in europe and to trek here in June it was a fantastic experience. We also hiked in … Read more…
This is the first winter post of this year and here are described some winter hikes in the Italian Alps. As I am pretty busy in many hiking and other activities I shared with you two different hikes I did in the recent days. As you see from the pictures the post is about two different hike in very different conditions. Nevertheless the pics are only two days of difference … Read more…
Follow the Concannon. Mike’s right. The Inn to Inn trekking experience in the Alps was excellent also for the guide. I did organize a medium difficulty trek up and down the Valtournanche and Val d’Ayas. The area have been chosen due to the nice villages where we could find comfortable inn (or hotel) every night. Chamois was maybe the most interesting as in this small village at almost 2000 meters … Read more…
The Hawaii reputation is pretty good. When Luca, an Italian doctor, wrote me about the hike in Monte Rosa area I was pretty sure it would have been funny. But I could not imagine how lucky I was to share few days with him, his friend and work mate Tarquin and their daughters Olivia, Marilena and Giuliana. We also had the special guest in Zaira, a very nice and smiling … Read more…
There are places which cannot be described but must be lived. Travelling in the Italian mountains in the Tour of 4000 meters is a very nice opportunity that Trekking Alps offer to all the people visiting Italy and in particular the Italian Alps. One of the thing that make Italy one of the most attractive place to visit of the world is the fact that big mountains, sea, countryside, big … Read more…
Another abnormal winter adventure in the alps for Trekking Alps and for Worldpaths. In exploring new areas we went in Aosta valley in the magnificent Saint-Barthélemy valley. The Reboulaz hut is set in a really beautiful place, just below the great mountain of Becca di Luseney with its 3504 meters, it rise up in the valley. The hut is very cozy and with its small wooden stove it is quite comfortable also in winter. … Read more…
This winter is definitley unusual. No snow, warm temperature. Global warming is a fact and this winter is in this trend. Said so, for hiking, having such a mild temperature is pretty good conditions. And Shiqui, a really lovely girl from Singapore, finally found good weather here in Europe after many unfortunate cases. Our winter hiking in Aosta Valley was pretty nice and I really enjoy the company of Shiqui! … Read more…
Hike a 3000 meters in the Alps in November is something you’are not expecting usually in the month of November. But this November was extremely warm and the snow melted in the south faces of the Alps. This autumn was just spectacular for hiking and this week end we decided to go to conquer an amazing 3000 meters in the Italian Swiss Border. The Tete Blanche is 3413 metrs and offer … Read more…
Hiking in autumn in Italy is an amazing experience. It is amazing that most of the people do not know that this is maybe the best season when going outdoor for hiking! In Italy the hikes are pretty amazing and still in october-november the temperature could be quite mild. If the snow do not fall to much and the termperature keeps not freezing you have the chance to experience amazing … Read more…
Trekking in the Alps was my favorite activity since when I discovered it. The good thing I discovered recently is that you can hike the alps all year round and you’ll discover even better landscapes than in the summer! The first time in which I had a trek in the Alps I was 6 and my father asked me if I wanted to hike the 3000 meters of Fenilia peak. 25 … Read more…
There are so many nice touristic sites in Italy famous all over the world. Venice, Florence, Rome, Tuscany, the Dolomites. North west of Italy is not so popular but I can guarantee hiking in Aosta Valley is just heaven on earth. Trekking in summer is fabulous and in winter most of the people dedicate time to sky and snowboard. Nevertheless hiking in winter inaosta Valley it is an amazing experience … Read more…
Countless shelters, refuges and bivouacs populate the alps. The highest shelter in Europe is Capanna Margherita, at the Top of Gnifetti Peak (4554 m) in the Monte Rosa Mountain Massive. Here there are one the largest glaciares mass of Europe and sleeping in Capanna Margherita is an amazing experience. It’s like sleeping above the entire world. Hiking there is not particularly difficult: the path is not particularly steep even though … Read more…