It is pretty seldom but even in July in the mountains it can snow. In particular we did find in this 2 days hike of July in Gran Paradiso an amazing freezing 2 days. It was the only 2 days of such cold temperatures and it was a crucial that I brought some extra jackets for everyone. The hike at the unguarded hut in Gran Paradiso was pretty long and I am sure that some of the hikers were not expecting such an hard hike. But nonetheless the company and the spirit of the hike was super positive and we never doubts of reaching the target. We face clouds of snow on the first day and pretty freezing temperatures for all the two days. I think I am not exaggerating if I say that some of the hikers behave like hero… right Anthony?:)
The morning was very sunny but the sun touched us only after an hour of very cold temperature up in the mountains at 2700 meters of altitude. Unfortunately we needed to go down and we did not warm up really for around 1 hour of trek. Finally we descended to the Bardoney Valley and we were finally able to get some warm temperature. I did discover later that we had around -7 Degrees Centigrade in this morning in this Gran Paradiso July Hike… Around 10 degrees less than the average in this time of the year at this altitudes.
We’ve been hiking in the snow, in the sun and in the wind. It was two days but it looks much more as usual in this strong experience in the Alps. We raise the bar of our possibilities and live outside the comfort zone for 24 hours experiencing a wild life for this cold 2 days of July. It was an amazing trek and I really need to thanks all the hikers: you’ve been great!