Italy is the most fabulous country in the world. And trekking is the best activity possible. So Trekking in Italy is just the perfect mix! You cannot ask for a better holiday! Hiking and Trekking in the Italian Alps is a world to discover. In this blog, you will find many articles about Trekking Alps experiences with many different tags by Season, Month and Hiking Area. All this is located in northwest Italy: Discover more about our wonderful Trekking in Italy blog!
If you are travelling around Italy and you want to see some natural places after all the historical and cultural beauty of this country and the wilderness of Lanzo Valley are the right place for you. Wilderness in Europe: Italy has very anthropic environment but still there are amazing wild valleys to explore and Lanzo valleys are one of those. This post is showing you the amazing views from the … Read more…
I simply cannot imagine a more beautiful placer than Switzerland. It’s an eden on earth: big clean meadows, huge cows, turquese rivers, cristal clear lake, green forests, rock jumps, huge waterfall and immense glaciares. What else you can desire? So if you have the chance, go to visit Switzerland, a wonderfull place embedded in the center of Europe. Now that i visited Switzerland, I really cannot imagine how Eden it … Read more…
Life is often stressful and scheduled. Every day work, duties and also pleasure are strictly scheduled and life can be considered tiring. The incredible energy which is “supplied” by a mountain hiking like the one we did on Sunday makes your heart in peace with the world. At least this is how I normally feel after a day spent in the nature, getting tired, filling my eyes with the “extreme” … Read more…
This post describes maybe the most amazing experience I have ever had, Parinacota trekking in the border between Chile and Bolivia. This upland in the north of Chile is fantastic. Endless lands with alpaca and small villages with amazing volcanoes that sprout out as mushrooms. These volcanos are extremely high and very wild. Very few people dare climbing them even though they do not present any particular technical difficulty. Hiking … Read more…
Have you ever tried to do a Via Ferrata? Basically Via Ferrata allows you to go where it would be impossible or very difficult with some artificial help. Ferro in italian means Iron. In the mountain some steps and an iron rope is settled to allows people to proceed in security. Maybe the most beautiful and for sure the more spectacular Via Ferrata we have in our territory is the … Read more…
Hiking in the middle of the Night is a mystic experience! The forest is full of beautiful noises of the wind blowing in the leafs. It is necessary to know the way but the experience of night hiking is very pleasant. The idea was to break the routine of the week days spending every single hour outside of the office in the middle of nowhere. In the Italian Alps, more … Read more…
Countless shelters, refuges and bivouacs populate the alps. The highest shelter in Europe is Capanna Margherita, at the Top of Gnifetti Peak (4554 m) in the Monte Rosa Mountain Massive. Here there are one the largest glaciares mass of Europe and sleeping in Capanna Margherita is an amazing experience. It’s like sleeping above the entire world. Hiking there is not particularly difficult: the path is not particularly steep even though … Read more…
Children wisdom come from their ability to live the present moment. Carpe diem like Oratium said, it’s easy to understand but very difficult to live effectively. What I noticed in my experience living with children in the forest between Thailand and Myanmar was that the children, was that thier happiness and joy came from this ability of thinking about the present only. When children grow up they are forced to … Read more…
Sourela Peak is a perfect example of 12months a year hiking. Hiking the alps offers for every season a different trekking and experience . What we faced on sunday was the winter version, snowshoeing. Alps beauty is the ductility of the activity you can do. Andes are wilder, Himalayan landscapes are more spectuacular but Alps offer a very huge choice and opportunities all year long for everybody, not only for … Read more…
With Easy Trekking Gourmet, Trekking Alps wants to approach all the people who is willing to live the mountain environment without great effort. Mountain hiking is tiring and we think getting tired is important to really live the harsh environment of the Alps. Anyway many people want to relax during the holidays, so we prepared a trekking which is perfect also for those people who don’t want to spend all … Read more…
Nature is not the only beauty of Italy: Italy has history pulsing in all its territory. Nature and History are the topic of this post. In italian mountains you can find a lot of historical places and villages. Near Torino, the Susa Valley is the easiest geographical connection with France. This valley is full of fortresses and castles where the French and Italians fought in the World War. And the … Read more…
Hiking is not the only topic of this blog. This blog is the house of all the travel adventures and this post describes the universal beauty of Nature. Travelling is another passion very much connected with the wandering in the mountains. And there are few mountains as beautiful as the Patagonian ones. Visiting these huge lands the sense of smallness is big. FitzRoy Peak (or El Chaltèn, as the Mapuche were … Read more…
These days is snowy days in the Alps of Italy! Many people prefers to stay home under the covers but snow offer maybe the best landscape possible and it worth definitely to go out for a marvellous winter hiking, living a magical experience in the mystic environments of deep winter. The snow this year fell late but during this days alps in Italy are totally covered by snow. And go … Read more…
If you have a family and you want to live an adventure trekking alps is offering you the perfect solutions for you. Alps are perfect for hiking with children, which will live an experience fantastic which they will remember for all their life. Waking up in the morning in the middle of nowhere, walking for long hours and enjoying the food after a tiring hike. And than watch the stars … Read more…
Today Susa Magic Ring trekking is presented; live an adventure with an experienced hiking guide to discover the spectacular alpine environments. In this trekking, fit for families and children, explores some very interesting and peculiar places with wild animals and historical places. During the second world war French and Italian soldiers were fighting in this region and now many fortifications and hidden shelters are still present. Susa is a Romanic … Read more…
If you thought that big ice mass are existing only in Himalaya, Patagonia or Antartica, you will have a big surprise! Check this video of speed flight down Mont Blanc. In 10 minutes these very lucky people glided from the peak of Mont Blanc (4810m), the higest point of Europe, till the base of the mountain. This is the Mer de Glace (Litterlarly, Sea Ice in french). Hiking alps. Alps … Read more…
Today I describe the beautiful feeling of the winter hiking the Italian Alps. You can check in the winter hikes section fo Trekking Alps all the avaiable hikes in this season from december till March. Couple of weeks ago, as the followers of the italian blog know, Trekking Alps explored the Gran Paradiso National Park, hiking in the heart of the winter. The sun was shining and it was not snowing since … Read more…
This is the first post of the hiking alps blog which offers hiking guide service in Italian mountains. The aim of the blog is to group all the mountain and nature lovers and let the world discover the beauties of italian Alps. In this blog I will collect all the activity linked with mountain and more in general with passions. It is importanto to know that Italy is not only … Read more…