Day Hike from Turin with Local Guide

Day Hikes in the Italian Alps from Turin, Milan and Aosta Valley

Day Hike fom Turin with a Professional Local Guide

Daily Hikes in the Italian Alps starting from Turin and Milan – Alps Tour All Year Long

Trekking Alps organize guided day hike from Turin and explain you how convenient it is to do also a day hike from Milan. Aosta Valley Day Hike is also possible.

It is possible to plan a day trek in the mountains or even an half day hike as well as half day hike in the mountains near the nice city in the north west of Italy. Hiking from Turin (Torino in Italian language) is one of the most amazing opportunity you have in visiting this marvelous city of Piedmont. If you are in the north of Italy and you like outdoor it is a must.

From Milan you need only an hour by train to get to Torino and we can start immediately or adventure in the mountains. The starting point of our day hike from Turin, unless you have your own car, is always the city center or a metro station we’ll agree together. We usually meet at Fermi metro station in Turin around 9 AM coming back around 6PM.

Hike Features and Prices


Price Example:



Price Example:


The pries above are meant for a guided day hike from Turin and depending on where you want to go

If you do not have a car do not worry. You can join the hiking guide and he/she will bring you to the mountains and back. 

Day hike from Turin all year long! You Cannot Miss it!

1 Day Hike in 4 Exciting Flavours

the alps

Trekking Peak

We can organize a day trip reaching a 2000 or even a 3000 meters peak in the nearby mountains of Piedmont. It is sufficient one day to reach amazing places in this wonderful land in the north of Italy.

Discover Piedmont Mountains with Nim&Nim

Photography Walk

Even in a single day you can see amazing views and mountain landscapes coming back home with incredible pictures! Join one of our Photography Walks in Turin to the Italian Alps and discover the beauty of Piedmont!

Guided Day Hike from Turin

Cultural Day Hike

In our alps trekking starting from Turin we can target one of this historical sites and add to the naturalistic and mountain landscapes view, also the more cultural and historical side of Piedmont.

Guided Day Hike from Turin

Winter Day Hike

Turin is an excellent destination also in winter. Enjoy our wonderful hiking tours daily. Any day of the year you can enjoy a wonderful Day Hike from Turin with Trekking Alps!

the alps

Trekking Peak from Turin

Trekking peak means that you do not need to climb but, in hiking, you reach a peak. There are several options that can be suitable for our day hike from Turin. The mountains that we can reach in one day from as a trekking peak can be many: Civrari peak, Patanua peak and Sourela Peak in Susa valley or Uja di Calcante, in Viu Valley or even the 3000 meters of Albergian peak in Chisone valley. These are just examples.

In summer we have more hours of light so it is even possible to reach a 3000 meters peak or similar. The mountains are very close to torino and in around 1 hour we can start our walk. Do not think that one day is not enought o reach a peak because here in Torino there is nothing better to do if you dare the adventure to climb a peak and enjoy majestic views of the Italian Alps.


Photography Walks - Alps near Turin

There is nothing better you can photograph than the Alps in Turin. They are so close and it is possible to organize alps trekking of different walking possibilities. We can reach high passes and not walk or it is possible to organize a proper hike reaching a peak or an alpine lake where doing amazing pictures in our Photography Walks from Turin.

We can reach also fortress if you are interested in cultural sites and even try to meet and sight wildlife such as ibexes, chamois or deers. There is nothing like the Alps to take picture in your day hike from Turin. Come in Piedmont and we will organize a magnificent day hike specifically designed to take great pictures of the Alps in the Photography walk in Turin.

fenestrelle fort albergian

Cultural Day Hike from Turin

As every Italian city, Turin has many cultural and historical sites that worth the visit. In the Alps French and Italians fought many wars and there are several testimonials of these wars. Fortresses, tunnels, castels, churches and trenches. In Day hike from Turin, we can target one of this historical sites and add to the naturalistic and mountain landscapes view, also the more cultural and historical side of Piedmont.

There are several fortess we can reach in one day. Sacra di San Michele, Forte di Exilles, Fenestrelle Fort, the tens of Fortress in Moncenisio lake, at the border with France to the big fort of Chaberton at more than 3000 meters. There are many different treks we can do in order to reach one of this historical place.


Snowshoes Day Hike from Turin

Also in winter with Trekking Alps you can enjoy the Alps with a Snowshoes day hiking.  Especially in winter to enjoy the Alps for a single day can be a very nice option. Trekking for many days in winter can be an extreme solution that not everybody would like. In this season to sleep in th hut in the mountains is pretty wild with short days and freezing temperatures. If you are in Torino in winter a snowshoes day hiking is a perfect option for everybody.

There are many snowshoes paths and routes which are possible to hike even in deep winter. Winter treks depends very much on the snow conditions. Even in Torino city it can snow pretty much but there are winters where there is snow only above 2000 meters. We can organze a snowhoes day hiking to a shelter where we can have an hot lunch,  or reaching a peak if the snow is not so deep.

We can go to an iced lakes, or organize a snowshoes in the forest in the magic enivonment of the woods full of snow. Turin is a very nice spot for organizing a day hike all year round, also in winter!

Our Day Treks from Turin

Duration: 1 DAY
Price: € 130
Area: Dolomites  
Wondering in the beauty
The possibility of day hike in the Dolomites is countless and covers all difficulty levels and all natural environments. They range from simple walks on the valley floor in the most touristy areas to high altitude excursions and/or in less frequented areas, where harsh and wild environments make us feel immersed in the most authentic wilderness. You can choose to walk in green valleys, embellished with streams and waterfalls, or go and admire the alpine lakes, where to see the surrounding peaks reflected in crystal clear waters....
Duration: 1 DAY
Price: € 80
Hike around the Serenissima
Venice is not known as an hiking destination. But that does not mean is not suitable for that! A day suspended between Venice, the land and the Adriatic sea, walking through Veneto's lagoon to discover the main island and the nearby villages in an unceasing variation of scenarios: that is a day hike in Venice. According to this perspective, the tour will take place from the crowded Venetian historical center to Lido, the best-known island of the International Film festival and charming Liberty buildings; from Pellestrina, a long strip of land dotted with colorful villages, naturalistic oases and exquisite fish cuisine, to Chioggia, the little Venice that seals the lagoon southwards....
Duration: 1 DAY
Price: € 80
Hike in Italian Riviera
A Day hike from Genova is really at hand and it shows very often a unique characteristic, the sea view! If you are in Genova and you want to have an outdoor experience, the mountains are really really close to you and this is the right place if you want to have a day Hike from Genova in the Mediterranean Mountains. ...
Duration: 1 DAY
Price: € 80
The Great Beauty of the Italian Coast
A day hike in Italian Riviera is something more than a simple excursion: it’s an explosion of perfumes of maritime pines and aromatic herbs, a deep blue experience walking the trails, constantly watching the sea. ...
Duration: 1 DAY
Price: € 110
Area: Turin Alps  
Day or Night Winter Hike!
If you are looking for an adventure in winter a snowshoes hike from Turin is the right one! If you are in Turin or in the north of Italy during winter you can have a different experience. ...
Duration: 1 DAY
Price: € 80
Hike in Italian Riviera
The Ligurian Alps are a very special place with unique features. A Day Hike in this area is just great. It will give you a chance to hike in amazing mountain sceneries while never losing sight of the blue Mediterranean Sea. ...
Duration: HALF DAY
Price: € 70
Area: Turin Alps  
If you have little time but you love Nature!
Even if you have only half day in Turin, you can live the amazing landscapes of the Italian Alps. Few hours are enough to get great viewpoints of the Alps...
Duration: 1 DAY
Price: € 100
Milan Amazing Day Hike
Even from Milan you can enjoy a wonderful Day hike in the Alps. You can visit different hiking areas depending whether you have a car or not....
Duration: 1 DAY
Price: € 110
Amazing beauty of Aosta Valley
Day hike in Aosta Valley are countless and possible all year round. We can decide togheter the mood of your day hike: difficulty, number of hours and specific requests....
Duration: 1 DAY
Price: € 100
Day Hike from Turin
Day hike from Turin are wonderful. Join one of our hike or plan it whenever you want. Wonderful Alps experience even in half day....